The Vault of Lost Tales

Memoirs of an Enchanted Sojourner

Tag: literature

On My Terms

Temptation has incessantly denied my deepest desires

But then turns to offer the very same in exchange for my bondage

Tired of going down that same old path, I decided to deny the very thing I was denied, which Temptation now offered, on its terms

Because I finally realized that what is mine, I cannot lose

And that whatever eludes me in taunting, I will never have

Thus, Desire is finally ended

I have realized the formulae of zero-sum equations

Desire is born of ignorance, lust, and fear

It is the tool of Temptation

As long as one is under its spell, both lack and gain are false

Desire gives Temptation the power to dictate other’s lives on its terms

Truth, in freeing me from desire, gives me the power to live life on my terms


To those whom much is given, much is expected

Do not complain about the responsibility attached, instead respect it, protect it, perfect it

Honor the gift you have been given and be thankful that you were selected

Do not count or try to measure out your duty or obligation to the gift

For to extract the essence of pricelessness, you will need a finer sieve to sift

Remember, that which was given can very much also be taken away

If you choose to be too cheap to afford the priceless gift which you cannot repay

Blurred Lines

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” – Mark Twain


From this statement, we gather that our supposed reality is Truth, and that that which authors such as myself write into existence, is Lie. An equation is formed which says reality as we perceive or know it is Truth and Fiction or Fantasy is a Lie.


Fiction and or Fantasy are products of the imagination, a projection of one’s mind and thoughts. But the irony is that most everything we consider reality in our daily lives, originated from some person’s mind, an idea first imagined, before ever it was brought into existence and considered to be real.


If you were to tell someone back in the 1300’s for instance that you dream of flying across the continents instead of riding by horse and mule, they would have easily relegated your thought to the realm of fiction and fantasy. Fast-forward to today, and humans flying across the continents is a daily reality, no lie.


On the flip-side of that same coin about reality versus fiction, we have another scenario. Introduce the ‘rulers’ or ‘controllers’ or shall we say the ‘authorities’ of our so-called reality. They tell us that we, and Nature, both need to be ‘governed’ by them in order to be free, happy, and healthy.


They tell us that freedom is obtained and maintained counter intuitively enough by limiting our every personal freedom down to the nucleus of our cells, and by destroying those cells should we resist such imprisonment in the name of so-called freedom.


This reality is but the enforced product of the imagination of a sordid few, who desire to manipulate Nature and humanity to their own personal warped designs and wants. Their imaginations are malignant and are contrary to Nature and its inhabitants. The reality then that they thus have deceived us into accepting is but their own sadistic fantasy, and thus is a lie and not real at all.


But we accept it anyway. We swallow it anyway. We ingest its parts despite the inner conflict it creates within us. We follow the script of its story line word for word and action for action, assimilating someone else’s imagination as our own, personal, truth.


I ask, how can that be real? How does this so-called reality align with Nature, both within you and around you?  Why are we never the protagonist in this author’s story?


If we truly felt free and happy in this so-called reality, as the author of it scripts us to say and accept, then the genre of literature known as Fiction and Fantasy would not exist. For what is fiction and fantasy to those of us who are entertained by it? It is an escape. It is a way out of one person’s imagination and a route into another’s.


Fiction and Fantasy provide a judgment free canvas for our minds to escape the limitations of the so-called reality we are being force fed to swallow in our daily lives. Our imaginations are able to take off their seat-belts and shackles and roam freely through the countrysides of the psyche, naked of restrictions.


If according to Twain, fiction is limited by possibilities, then it is limited only by the possibilities of one’s imagination. Truth on the other hand is free from limitation, thus this would imply that truth is greater that the mind’s capacity to imagine.


If we apply this statement’s concept to our daily life, we would have to conclude then that wherever there is limitation, there is a mind and the constructs of its imagination behind it, thus wherever we find ourselves limited by others, we find ourselves in a state of fiction, we are living a lie.


Truth is bigger than the mind, bigger than the imagination, and truth resonates in the heart, you can feel it in your gut. When we resonate with a story written by someone else or that we ourselves create, there is a universal truth present in that story, something that contradicts the mind but ignites the heart.


The universal truth that we all experience and enjoy in fantasy and fiction literature is the concept that we can overcome the impossible, break free from restriction, and realize our own full potential despite the odds against such.


It allows us to momentarily revel in thoughts and energies which are confined within our Nature and seek an outlet. It reminds us that we are greater than anything we can possibly imagine, because we can imagine the impossible.


Fantasy gives us permission to see our existence from alternate perspectives, to envision our lives the way we would have it, instead of the way we are being forced to believe that it is supposed to be.


Fantasy allows us to play up the traits within ourselves that we lack the courage to exhibit in our so-called realities. It allows us to see ourselves as beautiful, handsome, intelligent, courageous, heroic, bold, strong, ingenious, successful, needed, wanted, loved, valued and empowered.


Fantasy also provides an escape from time. We can be young, or we can be old. We can visit the past or create and taste the future. We have to answer to no nagging gravity or force or clock. We can choose our family, friends, lovers, bodies and destinies.


Fantasy and fiction allow us to explore the truth of our inner limitlessness. We become the masters of our own fate by setting our hearts and minds free, to go, do, and be anything, anywhere, and anyone that we wish.


The lives we live, within the confines of the limited imaginations of a few, is Fiction; we live a daily lie. Fantasy Fiction on the other hand has become one of the few ways that we can experience Truth, the unconditional realm of our own inner limitlessness.


Our lives are all a story. If we didn’t write our story, then we are the character from the imagination of whoever is writing the story we find ourselves in. If we don’t like the story we find ourselves in, then we have the power to pick up the proverbial pen, and write it anew.


Reading the writings of others who have dared to imagine a world different than the world imagined by the current author of our supposed reality, can inspire us to dare to imagine as well; we can jump up off of the page and become a real boy too!


Fantasy is then an alternate reality, a different perspective, a contrasting imagination. It is a way for us to step out of our current so-called reality and see it from an entirely different vantage point. It is hope for a better tomorrow.


For me, reality has become fiction, and fantasy has become reality; that which I was told was true, has actually turned out to be a lie. And that which I was told is not possible, is actually the very possibility which Nature made in truth.


Fiction may be limited to the imagination of the mind that constructs it, while Truth is emitted from the heart of Nature and bears witness to itself. Fiction originates in the mind, while Truth originates in the heart.


When the heart and the mind combine, Fantasy is born as a product of the two, and a reality unfolds of a dimension new. Fantasy reminds us that reality is fluid, like an ocean of consciousness. And different shaped minds shape consciousness differently, the shape of which is not a reflection of consciousness per se, but rather of the mind instead.


The mind may be limited in how it shapes the fluidity of consciousness, but the fluidity of consciousness flows infinite beyond the limits of any and all minds and their shapes.


Truth is consciousness and lives in the heart, Fiction originates in a mind that confines it, and Fantasy is the shape that a particular mind forms said confined consciousness into.


Truth, being the consciousness of the heart, is unlimited. Fiction, being a construct of the mind, is not conscious and thus bound by the limits allowed by logic.


Truth is like the boundless terrain of Love, whereas Fiction is like the finite matrix of logic. Fantasy is that place where Love and Logic meet in the middle, giving birth to the possibility of another reality.


There can be and most often is found, profound truths within Fantasy and Fiction literature, while similarly, many lies can be found within the pages of the alleged Truth we have come to accept as our so-called reality.


That being said, the line between Truth and Fiction is not a clear one, if looking only with the eyes. One must see from the perspective of the heart to discern which is which. A liar may say that the truth is fiction, and that what is fiction is the truth, skewing and blurring the lines of reality. It is up to each of us to decide which is which for ourselves, discerning what we find strangest, and what we find to be possible versus impossible.



Sälve 4 ‘X’

How does one solve the problem of a certain unknown?
By identifying the root of how the problem was first sown
To Un-know something means to forget what was once known
The clues are right under the nose, usually not too far from home
Trust that there is an answer and never give up on finding it
Then it will begin to show what it is that is actually blinding it
What in the world isX’?
The chromosome of the feminine Sex?
The spot where North & South meets East & West?
The axis of zero after which all else comes next?
Something taken out of proper order and context
How could one letter so simple be so complex?
Vexed for the solution to this veiled confusion
Only the truth can alleviate this logical bruisin’
Losing sight of the one thing in life that’s missing?
Then focus the light on what is in your face now sitting
By seeing what is actually there before your eyes
The absence of what is not will reveal its own disguise
There can be no relief until what was stolen by the thief
Is indeed retrieved in restoration of the omitted piece
The committed sheep will find the stolen of her flock
The burnt ram turned lamb hex marked with a spot
With this math I due plot the course of this mystery
By balancing the scales in the face of undue misery
When all cancels itself out on each side and there is only One remaining
Then my friend you have the ‘X’ you seek and there is no more complaining
This is the salve for ‘X’…

Mirror, Mirror

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” -Anonymous

I remember as a kid watching old episodes of Scooby Doo

When the reflection in the mirror would echo movements just like you

But you knew that wasn’t you looking back from the mirror’s reflection

That creepy jeepy monster disguising his actions for his own protection

Well I’m all grown up now, and that monster in the mirror was me, after all

The skeleton in the closet of my subconscious, bouncing around like a basketball

I screamed bloody murder when the image in the magic mirror started haunting me

But it did exactly as I did, and showed me things about myself I didn’t want to see

How can this be?

So I hid and slid, ducked, dodged, and ran

Trying to escape the horror of my own self anyway I can

Broke a thousand mirrors, I didn’t care about the 7-year curse

I was my own bad luck, and this darned mirror only made it worse

But it was like into the looking glass I had fatefully fallen

The mirror changing my reflected form had come a callin’

It was pure magic all right

It heard my wishes that night

Been on the other side of that rabbit hole ever since

Bumping into my own self wherever I went

I have a billion names down here

And just as many faces, shapes and ears

I did not know that I was such a multi-faceted being

Both male and female, definitely a sight worth seeing

This magic mirror is truly something else

I finally now know my True, Whole, Self

This magic mirror goes by yet another familiar name

But since most don’t believe in it, they say I’m insane

“Fairylands and Wonderlands are schisms of your brain”

But now I’m happy and the nay Sayers are pained

The magic mirror is none other than Love, True

When we look into it, you see me and I see you

The same One, reflected in the perfection of Two

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall

Please answer the Twin Flame’s call


I see you

Mirror, Mirror


All My Children

I brought you into this world, and yes my dear children, I will take you out

If you do not heed, respect, and appreciate what the life I gave you is all about

I gave all my beloved children a spark of Me you see

And I will not allow any to treat that spark disgracefully

Lest you find you are unworthy of it

Prometheus stole fire and gave it to man

Zeus raped the Great Mother and stole the baby from Her Hand

All this was done at the behest of greedy seedy Zeus

The most rebellious son who put his own parents in a noose

Spark of mine has he, but of it he is utterly unworthy

Rebellious and defiant, the children are running amuck

Because his responsibilities father Uranus did shuck

Setting off a domino effect that destroyed My family

Decapitated by your futile rebelliousness, pure insanity

How dare the eldest make himself unworthy of Me!

The root of and to all evil begins with a lie

Which leads to death when it is My spark you deny

Taking credit for all the things that you did not do

And then saying that this chaos was not caused by you

Boy, Boy, Boy, Mother’s spark is not a toy!

Dropping from my sight, you are not Sirius

Turning My spark into a game that makes My children delirious

A lie is a lie is a lie is a lie, no matter how small or white

A little one still cuts the cord of life, only with a tinier knife

If you did not create it, you have not the right to abate it

Yes rebellious, fallen, dim One, you are my Son too

Firstborn is firstborn, no matter what you did or didn’t do

It is thus my job to illustrate My Laws & principles and instill them

I gave birth to all my children and it is only I who may kill them

Obey what I say, or I will from you take my Spark away

(Voice of Great Mother Goddess Almighty)

The 12th Luminary

The True (Lost) Sun


From this life there is definitely something missing, a link

To connect the dots of this great mystery is to change how you think

We are told lies in the name of history, religion, and science

But why would the truth require blind, docile, compliance?

If everything we’ve been told was absolutely true

Then this life would be perfect and nothing left to do

But deep within, we know that this just is not the case

Something is sorely missing from the story of this sordid place

What is Earth really and what is out in space?

Why does the Moon ever show only one side of its face?

If there was a big bang, what was its real cause?

And if there was a great flood, what was really involved?

The Moon wasn’t always here and there was once a brighter light

A Sun that shone so bright, its light was white and there was no night

All is not fun beneath this half time, two-faced, yellow sun

Every head has two eyes, so why does this head have only one?

There is a symmetry in the cosmos; all things come in two’s

So to say that one eye sees all is to leave the naïve confused

A bang and a flood, evolution from nothing, to water, to mud

But a pyramid is built to mathematical perfection ‘fore ever a cow chews cud

These things do not correlate

Except to a sun-god who masturbates

Without his twin to complete the pair

How can anything he ejaculates be fair?

Some once said that the entire universe circles the earth

What if that is the real truth, what would it say for our worth?

We would look inward to ourselves for the light of the heavens

But then that would hurt the profits of the liar spreading the leaven

What once was is now but a remnant of its former self

The truth is in a box, collecting dust, on a shelf

Anyone who truly wishes to know the Secret of the Mystery

Need look no further than the eyes can see for evidence of the true history

Because a mystery is really but a lie in the midst

Something which has been stolen that a lie cannot fix

All the pieces to the puzzle are here, but their order is unknown

A shell game played on the blind, but I find the answers right at home

Murder She smote, when this the mystery that they wrote

Felling the True Sun by making the evident occult

Darkness is but the absence of Light and exists not in and of its own

The lesser over the Greater is not how the seeds of life are sown

This is the improper order out of which chaos is grown

The child has no place in rule over the Mother

The true definition of adultery, something unnatural, other

Darkness be the cover that hides the True Bright Light

But nonetheless the 12th Luminary is here, just out of sight

You see it but you don’t see it, ‘cause the order is changed in your brain

Up is down and down is up, in is now out and out is now in, insane

Your vision has been skewed and your understanding cued to that of a marginal plane

If vision is but Light then all are blind by the yellow rays of a false sun not the same

This eye does not see all, yet it is all that you see


Duly dim is this sun to the Light of the 12th Luminary

The Fire in the Garden

The Garden is within

Unnatural thoughts kicked you out

Then they took on a life of their own

Because your thoughts are so strong

You are the Portal, You are heaven’s gate

The Fire is within

It is the spark igniting the heart

You must enter by the narrow gate

(Your own self; mind, emotions, spirit)

Once you went out of yourself, you became unclean

Your self defense mechanism was activated

To protect the pristine Garden from uncleanness

A Fire was raised around the Garden

To remove all impurities prior to re-entry

To protect you from your own self

The Fire is within you

You must pass through it

To get back to the Garden

The Garden within you

Heaven is within you

Hell is without you

Truth is the Fire

Your conscience holds the scroll

It is as the record told

In the book of life

If your actions are trife

Your journey will be plagued with strife

But when your heart is ripe

You are ready for the harvest

To pluck yourself from the tree of the world

And plant yourself back into the Garden

Cleansed, verified and purified

By the Fire

The burning bush

We’ve reached critical mass

Darkness is now a day of the past

Falling away of the caste

To reveal the true stars

Two who are

Righteous as the Lamb, bold as the Lion

Fire Cardinal

From inside the Garden


Law of the Land

The Land, like the landscape of the body, is alive, very very alive indeed.

People, plants, organisms and animals, like cells in the body, have a particular and unique function and purpose in the Land.

When people and animals are forcefully displaced from their ancestral Lands, it is akin to say cells of the bone marrow being forcefully displaced from within the bone into the blood stream, and then into an organ like the kidney, where cells from the bone marrow do not belong.

When dis-placement occurs, dis-ease sets in. All of the cells in the body have their place and purpose, but if those cells are out of place, their purpose is not established and harm occurs to the cells and to the body.

If the cells are not properly restored to the region/organ/function naturally intended by the body, then the body becomes ill and deteriorates.

And so it is with the Land. When peoples and animals of the Land of Earth are forcefully uprooted from their ancestral homelands, and/or are infiltrated and occupied by those who are not natives of said Lands, the equilibrium of the entire planet, ecosystem, and biosphere is malignantly disturbed.

Native people, plants, animals and species are electromagnetically synchronized to, in, and with the Land of their ancestry. To displace them is to disrupt Earth’s entire electromagnetic field, which thoroughly upsets the equilibrium of Nature and the planet at large.

This same effect is also perpetuated when the inherent resources of the Land itself, i.e. water, minerals, oils, etcetera is artificially extracted from the Land.

These acts are equivalent to sticking a needle into the gallbladder of a victim and extracting all of the bile from their liver, or blood from their veins, and then using the pigments from each to paint a wall, and yet have the audacity to suggest that the victim is ill of his/her own doing and that painting your wall a particular color is more important than the stolen life of the victim.


Since magnetic fields and light-wave energy are invisible to the naked eye, those who perpetrate such hostile, harmful and unnatural acts are clearly not natives of Nature, Earth, the ecosystem, or the biosphere, for if they were, they would clearly feel the ill of their actions in their own bodies and minds, and thus, such actions would be perceived as suicidal.

Since there is no conscience of these actions by those who perpetrate them, they clearly then are parasites to the body/planet/nature/land that they arbitrarily afflict; a fact illustrated by the inherent symbiosis between living things in nature demonstrated when it is in equilibrium with itself.

Since the Land/Earth/Nature is the body and the people, animals, plants, creatures etc. are its cells, the body does have a built in immune response to cleanse parasitism from itself.

This immune response is triggered by the invisible attributes of a maliciously disturbed electromagnetic field.

The body will find its equilibrium again, despite all of the dis-placement and dis-ease inflicted by the foreign entities, this is an absolute inevitability; The Law of the Land (according to Mother Nature).

The individual cells may not be able to combat the attack of the dis-placers (parasites), but the whole of the body can.

Through the electromagnetic field of the Land, the Earth is re-establishing Her equilibrium, invisible to the naked eye of the foreign entities that have upset it and continue to do so.

Who and what have been displaced are being re-placed and re-stored to their proper place and function within the body/land/nature/earth, to the demise of the foreign entities who have laid claim to that from which they did not originate, nor do they serve.

Earth will have the last laugh and Her children will be returned to their proper place in Her, regardless to whether or not the parasitic foreign entities acquiesce to their ill deeds or surrender what they have stolen.

Nature’s Law Trumps Man’s Law, without question, agreement, or negotiation, and any who defy Her have already committed suicide.

This is the Law of the Land and it predates the artificial law of man, period.

Hell hath no fury like Nature scorned; beware the bear robbed of Her cubs…


Greed is an insatiable gangrenous sickness that cannot be satisfied

Still voraciously hungry even after all that its consumed has died

Leaving no room for bloom, Greed’s only fruit is doom

Inevitable utter destruction, which doesn’t happen late, but soon

Those afflicted with this disease are myopically deluded

Seeing dollar signs where there are none, by facts refuted

Insane lunatics feeding on the flesh of the planet’s people

Monsters once human, dehumanizing humans into sheeple

To justify and rationalize the immoral sacrifice of life on their alter

Recipes to cook us, deemed books religious, from gods who always falter

Off to the slaughter the masses happily and dutifully go

To a fake heaven after death that no one really knows

Hell is here my dear, and Heaven but the leaven of fear

From the frying pan into the fire, as your flesh greed does sear

A meal of veal is how good the taste of your flesh feels

In the mouth of the beast who devours the people at will

With such skill do they peel you from your fate onto their dinner plate

That you foolishly help them season you to their own demonic tastes

No future awaits if you do not escape the mouth of the beast

Who with his fool’s gold and monopoly money, has made of you its feast

Turn away from the bait, there was never any money for you to make

Money is the bait of Mammon, to lure you into the oven as part of his cake

Eating you and feeding on you, from the inside through to the outside

A parasite consuming its host, but whom without its host cannot survive

A conundrum and a paradox that the diseased who feeds is ironically blind to

Eventually leading to the eating of its own flesh, which is to itself a crime too

The sweet meat of defeat a treat on which the beast feasts until there is none left

Biting down until the crown of its own palette is cleft and he finds himself bereft

Because the cure is so pure for the illness of theft, that greed inevitably feeds on itself

It looks human and wears a suit to boot, but it is alien in its passions like no other animal

It goes by the title “CEO;” disguised as ‘one of the guys,’ are the lies of the auto-cannibal